Traditional Wedding Dress (White & Tanzanian Prints)
Take a look at a well designed Traditional Wedding Dress from Tanzania, and the white main colour makes it a perfect traditional wedding dress. We try to make relationship with the best designers around Africa and beyond, so that the variety of dresses we publish are pleasing to the eye and serves as an inspiration.
Look at the calm greens and a touch of blue on this dress, the small suttle prints make it go with either a green theme or blue, not forgeting the lime undertones and sometimes yellow.
On this dress you are really spoiled for choice, the head piece is a master piece indeed, but it can be optional. This dress goes well with natural hair, dreads or anything you want to alternate with on the head.
The hight of this dress is a killer, what a perfect flow and perfect printed dripping at the end, this dress is so marjestic and carries honour. The partial boddies and one sleeve makes it a semi formal yet so magical. Should you find the best wedding photographer in Pretoria or wherever, you know your day will be well captured in a stunning way.
Most of the professional wedding photographers are able to set the lighting and white balance for the environment of the moment, and that way you know your day is being captured the way you want to remember it.